Forehand is a throwing technique in disc golf where the disc is released with the palm of the throwing hand facing forward, toward the target. This throwing technique is also known as a “sidearm” throw, as the arm is held out to the side during the throwing motion.
To execute a forehand throw, the player begins by gripping the disc with the throwing hand on the outer edge, with the fingers and thumb spread apart. The non-throwing hand can be used to support the disc and provide additional stability during the throwing motion. The player then pulls the disc across the body, bending the elbow and rotating the wrist to generate power and spin on the disc. The throw is completed by releasing the disc with the palm facing forward and following through with the throwing arm.
Forehand throws can be effective for a variety of situations in disc golf. They are often used for shorter shots where accuracy is important, as they can provide a more controlled release than backhand throws. Forehands can also be useful for navigating around obstacles such as trees or for throwing around corners, as the disc tends to fly on a straighter path than backhand throws.
However, forehand throws may be more challenging for some players to execute, as they require a different throwing motion and can place additional strain on the wrist and elbow. With practice and proper technique, however, forehand throws can be a valuable tool in a disc golfer’s repertoire.